Upcoming Events

Grant Writing Kit Workshop

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE In this program, Melissa Jadlos and Ron Kirsop will outline a useful system for organizing, preparing, and staying current with all the critical documentation and information needed for efficient grant writing. They will also discuss common pitfalls to avoid and pro tips to include when completing grant applications. Project Outcomes: - Outline to […]

Computer Ergonomics for Library Staff

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE Join us for a webinar on computer ergonomics for library staff! This webinar will cover: The foundations of ergonomics Typical symptoms and problems of poor computer ergonomics How to create the ideal library workstation, including: chair height and back support; arms and wrist positioning for keyboard and mouse; screen height, screen distance, and viewing […]

Ask Us 24/7 with Caitlin Kenney

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER Ask Us 24/7 is a regional virtual reference service made up of libraries across New York State. Librarians who participate are busy answering thousands of questions from patrons every year. The service is housed on Springshare’s LibChat platform and is part of a 24/7 global virtual reference cooperative that includes libraries across the nation […]

PILLARS Symposium 2022 – Accessibility in Education

Join ESLN for the PILLARS Symposium 2022 on July 13, 2022! PILLARS (Preparation, Information Literacy, Libraries, Academic Resources, and 21st Century Skills for Transitioning from Secondary School to College) This year’s topic is “Accessibility in Education” with Keynote Speaker Judith Heumann. Featured Presentations: 10 a.m. – Enhancing Accessibility: Five Strategies to Apply Tomorrow - Amber […]

Ready, Set, Policy! Using the 2022 “Collection Management” Guide

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER Based on requests from public libraries across the state, ESLN and PULISDO partnered on the creation of an annotated "2022 Public Library Collection Management Policy Template & Guide." Join us for this 1-hour session on using this resource to update or adopt policies to be ready for materials challenges...and more. Presenter: Stephanie A. Adams, Esq. (Nickname: […]


This meeting has been cancelled -- we look forward to seeing you at the next RASCAL meeting! Register now to join your colleagues for a lively discussion via Zoom Meeting. The Rochester Area Special Collections, Archives and Libraries (RASCAL) group is made up of various staff from cultural and archival institutions around the Rochester region. The group meets […]

Academic Overdrive with Christi Sommerfeldt

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER The ESLN Academic Discount Program, which is open to any academic member currently a member of an ESLN library council, provides a consortial, shared collection of e-books geared toward informal reading and browsing on the OverDrive platform. This ESLN services session will provide an overview of the ESLN Academic Discount Program, how to get […]

Empire Library Delivery with Maria DeGaetano

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER Empire Library Delivery (ELD) is a statewide delivery service maintained by the Empire State Library Network (ESLN) that makes resource sharing connections among all types of libraries affordable and streamlined. ELD provides a convenient, affordable, and tailored delivery service to institutions, thereby supporting increased statewide resource sharing among ELD participants. About the Presenter: Maria […]

Using VA Video Connect in the Library: What You Need To Know!

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER Libraries play many important roles in their communities, but none as important today in helping people access the healthcare and health information they need, especially with telehealth needs of those who lack internet, devices, and or the digital skills to obtain health services and health information. The Veterans' Affairs Office has created a service to […]

LibraryWorks Webinar: Creating Standards for Successful Customer Service (For Frontline Staff)

Zoom Webinar

RRLC is offering up to 15 seats at the upcoming LibraryWorks webinar, LibraryWorks Webinar: Creating Standards for Successful Customer Service (For Frontline Staff) One of the most difficult issues for frontline library staff to navigate is the balance between personalized service, which can devolve into special favors for well-liked customers, and even-handed consistency, which can […]


Coordinated Collection Development Aid Info Session

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE Join Barbara Lilley, Library Development Specialist at the Division of Library Development, for this one-hour session on the NYS Coordinated Collection Development Aid program! Barbara will review how libraries should complete and submit the CCDA print and online forms, review when a library needs to submit a waiver, and share tips for libraries […]

Student Employment 2022: Where Are We Now?

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE This webinar will focus on student employment practices since the pandemic and managing the next generation of student workers. How has student employment changed in the last few years? What are some expectations of student employees, or student supervisors? Is job burnout a concern with student employees? How do we empower, train, and […]

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