RRLC is offering up to 15 seats at the upcoming LibraryWorks webinar, LibraryWorks Webinar: Creating Standards for Successful Customer Service (For Frontline Staff)
One of the most difficult issues for frontline library staff to navigate is the balance between personalized service, which can devolve into special favors for well-liked customers, and even-handed consistency, which can become volumes of rigid rules. The key is to establish guidelines for how you treat all library users, regardless of who they are. The welcome for everyone, services that anyone can use, and common courtesy is something that you can apply to every library visitor, including strangers, difficult customers, and people who are different from you.
Topics include examples of written standards, the importance of strategic planning and job descriptions that support customer services, and why consistency and civility can solve many customer behavioral issues.
Following this webinar, you will know how to:
1. Improve customer service with consistency, fair treatment, and access for all.
2. Determine if staff are making exceptions for friends, family, and otherwise favored customers.
3. Create a draft of a written set of standards for your library, to test and review.
Presenter: Pat Wagner has been a trainer and consultant for libraries for over 40 years. She focuses on personnel, management, and leadership issues, including marketing, project management, and tech services productivity.
RRLC is sponsoring a limited number of seats to this webinar for RRLC members. It is free for you to attend, but space is limited!
Registration closes on September 12 at 12 pm or when all seats are filled. You will be sent a link to the webinar within 24 hours of the start time.
If you have any questions, please contact Tina Broomfield.
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