RRLC Dues Structure Revisions — approved by RRLC Board of Trustees, March 2, 2000
- The dues structure should not discourage membership.
- The dues amount for Full Members shall be based upon library operating budget (including personnel) for the previous year. For Associate and Affiliate Members, see (7) below.
- The method of determining dues for Full Members should be the same for all libraries, with two exceptions:
- Libraries in for-profit corporations (see 4 below)
- Central Libraries (see 5 below)
- Dues for Full Members shall be determined as follows:
- Not-for-profit libraries and library systems: (academic, museum, hospital, and other non-profit libraries; School Library Systems, Public Library Systems,):
- A base of $100 plus .1% of total library operating budget, but no Full Member pays:
- Less than $200
- More than $1,750 (operating budget under $ 4 million)
- More than $2,000 (operating budget of $ 4 million and over)
- E.g., Hospital Library A with an operating budget including personnel of $250,000. Dues = $ 350.
- A base of $100 plus .1% of total library operating budget, but no Full Member pays:
- For-profit libraries:
- A base of $200 plus .2% of total library operating budget, but no Full Member pays:
- Less than $300
- More than $ 3,500 (operating budget under $ 4 million)
- More than $ 4,000 (operating budget of $ 4 million and over)
- E.g., Corporation A with an operating budget including personnel of $250,000. Dues = $ 700.
- A base of $200 plus .2% of total library operating budget, but no Full Member pays:
- Not-for-profit libraries and library systems: (academic, museum, hospital, and other non-profit libraries; School Library Systems, Public Library Systems,):
- Central (Public) Libraries [Geneva Free and Rochester Public], which could receive services through their Public Library Systems and chose not to be members, should be encouraged to be separate members of the Council, and therefore shall pay 25% of their calculated dues amount.
- Other than Central Libraries, libraries that have separate budgets are considered separate libraries. Libraries without separate budgets, but with multiple sites, are considered one library (the operating budget being the total for all sites).
- Associate Member dues are 75% of Full Membership dues. (Associate Membership is meant to introduce the benefits of Council membership to libraries that do not meet Full Member qualifications. It is meant to encourage and assist the library in its efforts to meet Full Member qualifications. An Associate Member has three years to qualify for Full Membership, after which time if it still does not qualify, it reverts to non-member status. )
- Affiliate Member dues shall be increased to $75 per year. (Affiliate Membership is a limited membership for very small libraries without professional staff. Libraries in this category do not meet the requirements for Full or Associate Membership.)
- Any increase or decrease that results from this change in dues structure will be implemented over a three-year period.
- RRLC will produce for each library and library system a yearly summary of benefits received through RRLC membership.