The FLX Kids are Alright initiative aims to improve mental health literacy for middle- and high-school aged youth in five counties in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. Through a unique partnership between Common Ground Health, Monroe County Library System, Pioneer Library System and the Rochester Regional Library Council, the initiative will directly engage youth in the creation of new mental health and well-being literacy resources to improve library collections and programming.
FLX Teens Are Alright Mental Health Materials
Selected Videos about Youth Mental Health
- Mental Health Literacy Pyramid Explained
- We All Have Mental Health
- Teen Brain
- Dylan’s Panic Disorder
- Ellie’s Depression
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Reducing Stigma
Selected Resources about Youth Mental Health
- Anxiety Relieving Exercises [Word doc]
- Communicating with Your Health Care Provider [PDF]
- Getting the Right Start [PDF]
- Taking Charge of Your Mental Health [PDF]
- Want to Know How to Help a Friend? [PDF]
- Student Survey Pretest [PDF]
- Teening Your Parents [PDF]
- Youth Voice Tip Sheet [PDF]
- Health Literacy Conference
FLX Kids Are Alright: Youth Mental Health Literacy Tools for Library Staff (Part I)
Monday, March 15, 2021 from 2:00-3:30pm
This training is for library staff across the region to receive a parallel training in health literacy and youth mental health and well-being. Library staff will also have an opportunity to hear the perspectives and sentiments of the youth engaged in the project so far. Lastly, library staff will be engaged in a discussion around how to leverage and roll out the newly created resources. As context experts, input from library staff is key to making this information not only user friendly for the community, but also for staff. Part II of this training will be scheduled in April 2021, where the final resources developed by the youth will be revealed, as well as an action plan for rolling them out.
FLX Kids Are Alright: Youth Mental Health Literacy Tools for Library Staff (Part II)
Monday, April 26, 2021, 2:00-3:30pm
As a follow up to our first training in March, please join us for the reveal of the new mental health and well-being literacy resources developed by the youth from the FLX Kids Are Alright project. We will discuss how library staff can access and use these resources, to provide mental health support to youth and their families in the community. Library staff will also discuss how their library can support the launch of the project’s social media campaign for Mental Health Awareness in May using these new materials.