Upcoming Events

RRLC Annual Celebration

Join us for the 2023 RRLC Annual Celebration to highlight the achievements of RRLC members and to congratulate libraries and library staff in our region. We look forward to recognizing the RRLC 2023 Libraries of the Year, Library All Stars, and Regional / National Award Winners! This event is being held June 6, 2023 at 10:00 am on Zoom. […]

Outstanding Program Success with Design Thinking

Zoom Webinar

RRLC is offering up to 20 seats at the upcoming LibraryWorks webinar, Outstanding Program Success with Design Thinking Can your programs be both thoroughly planned AND get off the ground quickly? Absolutely! Design thinking, a technique taken from software and industrial design, can help you start fast but learn faster. Discover how you can weave […]


RRLC Medical & Allied Health special interest group kick off meeting

Zoom Meeting

This meeting is open to all library staff that serve medical & allied health audiences. The goal of this group is to encourage conversation and sharing among this community, provide a support network, and to identify training or services that would be beneficial to the group. Tentative Meeting Agenda Our customers Who are the customers […]


Digitize Your Collections with HeinOnline

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE Noah Short and Lauren Mattiuzzo are experts in the field of digital services and have worked on numerous projects that have helped businesses save valuable shelf space and cut costs. During their presentation, they will showcase some of the latest and most cutting-edge technologies being utilized in the digital services industry, including a […]

Learn About CCDA: An Informational Conversation with Barbara Lilley

REGISTER HERE Join us for this special webinar and Q&A session. As academic library budgets continue to fluctuate, our members have concerns in meeting Coordinated Collection Development Aid Maintenance of Effort requirements. Please join us for a brief demo of the report tool and a conversation with Division of Library Development’s Barbara Lilley and learn […]

AI in Education and Libraries: Taking Privacy, Security, and Equity into Account

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER NOW Everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning lately. In the valley between "AI is going to destroy life as we know it" and "AI is going to revolutionize our lives" lies the fact that the future isn't yet written. These tools will only be as good as we let them be. […]

Sign Language for Library Staff

Rochester Regional Library Council 3445 Winton Place, Suite 204, Rochester, NY, United States

This workshop will introduce library and cultural heritage staff to visual communication and basic library related sign language. Participants will learn a variety of things including: basic tips in communicating with Deaf patrons, simple signs related to the library, strategies to make your library more Deaf friendly and resources to help participants continue their sign […]


How to Write Effective Survey Questions to Get Useful Data

Zoom Webinar

RRLC is offering up to 20 seats at the upcoming LibraryWorks webinar, "How to Write Effective Survey Questions to Get Useful Data" Is your library planning for upcoming services, programs, or events? They'll be more successful if you know what sorts of things the people in your service area truly want and need. Great marketers […]


Keeping It Private: Supporting Research Privacy and De-Identification of Shared Data

RRLC and WNYLRC are offering up to 25 seats at the upcoming MLA webinar, “Keeping It Private: Supporting Research Privacy and De-Identification of Shared Data” The NIH data management and sharing requirements, HIPAA, IRBs, and general research ethical standards all have privacy requirements. But many health sciences librarians and even seasoned researchers and compliance officers […]


Sign Language for Library Staff

Rochester Regional Library Council 3445 Winton Place, Suite 204, Rochester, NY, United States

Registration will open September 1st at 12pm. This workshop will introduce library and cultural heritage staff to visual communication and basic library related sign language. Participants will learn a variety of things including: basic tips in communicating with Deaf patrons, simple signs related to the library, strategies to make your library more Deaf friendly and […]


Making Changes That Stick

Zoom Webinar

Registration opens August 1, 2023 at 12pm RRLC is offering up to 15 seats at the upcoming LibraryWorks webinar, “Making Changes That Stick”. Do you want to make a change in your workplace? Whether you are a front-line worker or a senior leader, we can all see opportunities big or small to improve experiences for […]


Leading from the Middle: Managing Up and Down Simultaneously

Zoom Webinar

RRLC is offering up to 15 seats at the upcoming LibraryWorks webinar, “Leading from the Middle: Managing Up and Down Simultaneously”. Do you have more than one boss at your library? Do you have lots of responsibility, but little authority? Are you working between multiple departments? Are you looking to improve your communication skills with […]


Visit our Policies Page for information on our Code of Conduct, Registration Policies and requesting interpreter services.