Board of Trustees
RRLC Office 390 Packett's Landing, Fairport NY 14450
RRLC Office 390 Packett's Landing, Fairport NY 14450
The Empire State Library Network (ESLN) has negotiated a discount on the conference registration for Computers in Libraries to be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA, on March 26-28, 2019. Discount code for RRLC members for Computers in Libraries: ESLN19 Registration is now open. PASSES This year, the Gold Pass will be available for the group rate of […]
RRLC Office 390 Packett's Landing, Fairport NY 14450
RRLC Board of Trustees Meeting RRLC Office 390 Packett's Landing, Fairport NY 14450
High School to College: Supporting Student Success Join us for this full-day conference where you'll have the opportunity to learn from your colleagues as we talk about ways to help our students successfully transition from high school to college. This conference will feature breakouts, panels, and poster sessions, with plenty of time for one-on-one conversations […]
Visit our Policies Page for information on our Code of Conduct, Registration Policies and requesting interpreter services.