Upcoming Events

The 2020 Census Counts Webinar

The 2020 Census Counts Webinar June 1, 2020 at 2:00 - 3:00pm REGISTER HERE Communities that don’t get fully counted in 2020 will miss out for the next ten years. This is the time to get involved; the Census counts -- and so do you! Join Hillary Loveless-Medina, Regional Field Manager at Census Counts, as […]

Reopening Libraries in NYS Webinar

The Responsibilities and Challenges of Reopening Libraries in NYS Webinar Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 1:30 - 3:00pm REGISTER HERE Public libraries have been given permission to reopen with restrictions as part of NY Forward’s phase one in the reopening process. What does this mean for you, your library, and your community? If you do […]

Covid-19 and Workplace Safety Webinar

Covid-19 and Workplace Safety Webinar Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 2:00 – 3:30pm REGISTER HERE This webinar will cover: What is a virus? What is a coronavirus? How could coronavirus be acquired or spread at work? Considerations for re-occupying/re-opening the physical building/facility. How could workplace exposure to coronavirus be prevented? Hierarchy of controls for hazard reduction Presenter: […]

Rochester Area Special Collections, Archives & Libraries (RASCAL) Group Virtual Meetup

Rochester Area Special Collections, Archives & Libraries (RASCAL) Group Virtual Meetup Join your colleagues for a lively discussion via Zoom Meeting. The Rochester Area Special Collections, Archives and Libraries (RASCAL) group is made up of various staff from cultural and archival institutions around the Rochester region. The group meets quarterly to discuss issues related to […]

Legal Issues & Reopening: The Saga Continues

Legal Issues & Reopening: The Saga Continues Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 1:00 - 2:30pm REGISTER HERE Many libraries are now months deep into their process of re-opening. What have we learned? What have we had to re-tool? In this 90 minute webinar, Stephanie Adams will present concrete tips and legal guidance based on our […]

Tech Camp 2020

Tech Camp 2020 is going virtual! August 17-20, 2020 | Four half-days of live, interactive online training! This summer, Tech Camp will be transitioning to an online conference from August 17th - 20th. While we'll miss seeing everyone in person, we're looking forward to connecting with you virtually. This FREE event is open to all […]

Learning from this Moment: Understanding Privilege and Advancing Racial Equity

Learning from this Moment: Understanding Privilege and Advancing Racial Equity Tuesday, September 15, 2020 | 2:00 – 3:30pm Recent events surrounding the unjust killing of Black Americans has created a moment of civil unrest and engagement which few of us have witnessed first-hand. We are called, as individuals and as organizations, to learn the history […]

Beyond Diversity 101: Micro-inequities, Implicit Bias, and Moving Toward Equity

Beyond Diversity 101: Micro-inequities, Implicit Bias, and Moving Toward Equity Wednesday, October 21, 2020 | 2:00 – 3:30pm Many of us have been involved with diversity training that focuses on cultural difference and respecting all perspectives.  While this is a good start, we cannot move toward true equity in our workplaces, organizations, and personal relationships […]

Food for Thought: Exploring Nutrition Information Resources

November 13, 2020 10:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. REGISTER HERE This class is designed to assist librarians, public health workers, health professionals, and the general public in locating authoritative information on nutrition and topics relating to nutrition. Background information on the importance of nutrition information to other health-related topics will be included, and resources for locating […]

National Library of Medicine Resources for Citizen Science

REGISTER HERE National Library of Medicine Resources for Citizen Science November 16, 2020 10:30 AM-12:00 noon VIA ZOOM Citizen science is happening all around you! Citizen scientists in your community are participating in bird and butterfly counts, contributing to Alzheimer’s research, monitoring air quality, and collecting genetic information--all furthering and advancing our greater scientific knowledge. […]

Now More Than Ever: Why Leadership on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Requires Emotional Intelligence

Now More Than Ever: Why Leadership on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Requires Emotional Intelligence Wednesday, November 18, 2020 | 2:00 – 3:30pm For many who care about advancing equity and social justice in all areas of their lives, this past year has brought tremendous challenges. While U.S. society grows increasingly diverse and complex, our social and […]

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