Upcoming Events

RRLC Annual Meeting 2021

Zoom Webinar

Join us for the 2021 RRLC Annual Meeting to celebrate the achievements of RRLC members and to congratulate the outstanding libraries and library staff in our region. Meeting Agenda: 10:00 am Welcome and Business Meeting 10:10 am Lightning Talks from recent recipients of RRLC grants: Henrietta Public Library, University of Rochester, Rochester Institute of Technology, […]

Renewals Colloquium: Promoting Empathy & Self Preservation in the Workplace

Zoom Webinar

Join Kaetrena Davis Kendrick for a discussion and exploration of the impacts of low morale in the workplace. Kendrick's mission is to inspire authentic collegiality, and to promote well-being, share the gifts of creativity, and cultivate empathetic, engaged leadership in the workplace. Kendrick has published articles and studies on low morale in both academic and […]

FLX Kids Are Alright: Youth Mental Health Literacy Tools for Library Staff (Part II)

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE The FLX Kids are Alright initiative aims to improve mental health literacy for middle- and high-school aged youth in five counties in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. Through a unique partnership between Common Ground Health, Monroe County Library System, Pioneer Library System and the Rochester Regional Library Council, the initiative will […]

HR 101: Ask the HR Expert Webinar

Zoom Webinar

Join Holly Nowak, the HR professional behind the Ask the HR Expert service, for a discussion of basic human resources information that managers, supervisors, and directors need to know. Covering some of the most commonly misunderstood and/or misapplied HR foundational concepts, topics we'll cover include best practice in: Job Descriptions, Worker Classification, Documentation and Record […]

Stress in the Library Assistant Profession

Zoom Webinar

Friday, May 21, 2021 3:00 - 4:30pm REGISTER HERE The relationship between stress, work, and health is complex and although current thinking and research on stress can teach us a lot, it can be difficult to know the difference between what’s truth and what’s myth, between what’s fact and what’s fiction. In this Webinar, we […]

Changing Environment of Resource Sharing in Academic Libraries

Friday, June 11, 2021 @9am-12pm REGISTER HERE Academic resource sharing has been impacted over the last 18 months due to an unprecedented pandemic causing temporary physical library closures and reduction or elimination of sharing resources. Additionally, the impact of understanding the virus lifespan on physical materials also shaped how libraries are providing resources and fulfilling […]

Work/Life Balance: Setting Healthy Boundaries

Zoom Webinar

Monday, June 14, 2021 10:00 - 11:30am REGISTER HERE In today's new environment, boundaries are more important than ever. Boundaries can help you to feel more effective and less stressed. This webinar will include a discussion of effective ways that can help you set boundaries in your life. This webinar will help you learn the […]

Why Inclusive Data Matters to Underrepresented Groups and How Public Libraries Can Help Part 1

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 | 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST REGISTER HERE As data increasingly becomes key to driving policy design, programs, and decision-making, many communities continue to be marginalized and/or underrepresented in datasets. As the COVID pandemic has further revealed, critical data on race, ethnicity, gender, and other intersectional factors is not widely available, rendering […]

Diversity Audit Virtual Meetup

Join your colleagues for a lively discussion via Zoom Meeting! This is the first meeting of the Diversity Audit group. Library workers from all types -- school, public, academic, special, etc. -- are welcome to attend and to share their experiences with colleagues. REGISTER HERE Discussion Topic: The Diversity Audit special interest group will meet […]

Zoom Meeting

Register now to join your colleagues for a lively discussion via Zoom Meeting. The Rochester Area Special Collections, Archives and Libraries (RASCAL) group is made up of various staff from cultural and archival institutions around the Rochester region. The group meets quarterly to discuss issues related to special collections, archives, and libraries. Discussion Topic: Archives Fair 2021 Discussion […]

July Diversity Audit Virtual Meetup

Zoom Meeting

Register now to your colleagues for a lively discussion via Zoom Meeting! This is the second meeting of the Diversity Audit group. Library workers from all types -- school, public, academic, special, etc. -- are welcome to attend and to share their experiences with colleagues. New members are always welcome! Discussion Topic: The Diversity Audit […]

That Happened Here?!: Using Local Primary Sources in the Classroom

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE Primary sources can ignite a passion for history and sharpen critical information literacy skills. In this webinar, participants will discuss how to bring primary sources to life in the classroom. Part presentation, part discussion, participants will learn: Where to find primary sources How to use the Library of Congress analysis tool How using […]

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