Upcoming Events

2021 Rochester Archives Fair: Making Connections

Zoom Webinar

Discover the remarkable archival resources available in the Rochester region at the 6th annual Rochester Archives Fair! Area institutions will highlight their unique collections and be available to discuss the archival treasures they preserve during the Virtual Archives Fair event on October 27 from 2-4pm. This year’s theme, “Making Connections” will explore the connection between archives and the communities they […]

Diversity Audit Virtual Meet Up

Zoom Meeting

Register now to your colleagues for a lively discussion via Zoom Meeting! Library workers from all types — school, public, academic, special, etc. — are welcome to attend and to share their experiences with colleagues. New members are always welcome! Discussion Topic: Join Ana Canino-Fluit and Beth Puckett for a status update regarding conducting diversity […]

Koekje, Cooky or Cookie? A History of American Christmas Cookies

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE Why do the Brits call them biscuits and we call them cookies? The answer lies in the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherland. But cookies have a peculiar history. Once the purview only of the wealthy, their flavors, shapes, and textures have changed over time. Influenced by changing technologies, household labor, slavery, […]

Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training: Workshop 1

Zoom Meeting

The Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training program will train and support up to 40 participants from community based organizations, libraries, and educational institutions to lead question-based media analysis about the credibility, accuracy, bias, content, and impact of digital information. Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training: Workshop 1 January 12, 10am - 12pm This program […]

Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training: Workshop 2

Zoom Meeting

The Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training program will train and support up to 40 participants from community based organizations, libraries, and educational institutions to lead question-based media analysis about the credibility, accuracy, bias, content, and impact of digital information. Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training: Workshop 2 January 19, 10am - 12pm This program […]

Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training: Workshop 3

Zoom Meeting

The Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training program will train and support up to 40 participants from community based organizations, libraries, and educational institutions to lead question-based media analysis about the credibility, accuracy, bias, content, and impact of digital information. Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training: Workshop 3 January 26, 10am - 12pm This program […]

RASCAL Virtual Meet Up

Zoom Meeting

Register now to join your colleagues for a lively discussion via Zoom Meeting. The Rochester Area Special Collections, Archives and Libraries (RASCAL) group is made up of various staff from cultural and archival institutions around the Rochester region. The group meets quarterly to discuss issues related to special collections, archives, and libraries. Discussion Topic: Roundtable Updates, 2022 Planning […]

Empire Archive Discovery Cooperative with Jen Palmentiero

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER NOW New York State institutions are home to archival, special and historical collections that document a wide range of topics, people and organizations. Empire Archival Discovery Cooperative (EmpireADC; www.empireadc.org) brings together descriptions of these collections (called “finding aids”) to help connect people with the resources they need and the organizations that have them. Repositories […]

Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training: Workshop 4

Zoom Meeting

The Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training program will train and support up to 40 participants from community based organizations, libraries, and educational institutions to lead question-based media analysis about the credibility, accuracy, bias, content, and impact of digital information. Digital Literacy and Media Analysis Training: Workshop 4 February 2, 10am - 12pm This program […]

Cancelled/Rescheduled: Diversity Audit Virtual Meet Up

UPDATE: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Diversity Audit Meet Up originally scheduled for February 9th will be cancelled and rescheduled. We will announce the new date in the near future. Thanks for your understanding! Register now to your colleagues for a lively discussion via Zoom Meeting! Library workers from all types — school, public, academic, special, […]

New and Upcoming Kids Books

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER HERE Hundreds of books are published every month. But who has the time to read so many books? In the form of book talks, Charlie Kelly will highlight new and upcoming culturally relevant elementary books which include picture books, chapter books, novels, graphic novels, poetry, biography, and nonfiction titles. Ms. Kelly has attended webinars […]

New York State Historic Newspapers with Chuck Henry

Zoom Webinar

REGISTER NOW The New York Historic Newspapers (nyshistoricnewspapers.org) provides free online access to over 700 historic newspaper titles, comprising more than 11 million pages, from every county in the state. The project also provides an affordable microfilm digitization process that makes it easy for libraries, historic associations and museums to get prized newspaper microfilm scanned […]

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